Thursday, 4 July 2013
Dead Island Riptide pc

Game info:Game genre: action
Developer: Techland
Publisher: Deep Silver / Koch Media
Game Release Date
23 April 2013 Worldwide
26 April 2013 Europe
23 April 2013 USA
23 April 2013 Worldwide
26 April 2013 Europe
23 April 2013 USA
game mode single / multiplayer
multiplayer: InternetDead Island Riptide pc 2013 System Requirements:
QCore 2 Duo 2.66 GHz, 4 GB RAM, graphic card 512 MB (GeForce 9600 GT or better), 7 GB HDD, Windows XP/Vista/7
Dead Island Riptide pc 2013 Game Review:A gory carnival of zombie dismemberment, let down by narrative and technical THE ORIGINAL DEAD ISLAND was a game that bristled with potential. It offered gamers a mix of first-person survival horror gameplay, spliced with cooperative open world RPG elements similar to those seen on THQ's stellarBorderlands game series.
However, the game's potential to shine was let down by slightly repetitive combat mechanics, an inconsistent and not very original story and a number of graphical issues that consistently broke the game's otherwise immersive tropical island setting.
Despite these problems there was still plenty to like about the first Dead Island, which is why in its sequel Dead Island: Riptide we hoped to see a refined version of the original game that made good on the series' inherent promise. Sadly though, our optimism is yet to be rewarded and we have been treated to a title that only makes at best nominal changes to the Dead Island formula.
At its heart, Dead Island: Riptide remains a four player, mission based cooperative brawler that tasks you survive a zombie apocalypse using whatever weapons and equipment you can find. The mission based format uses the same dialogue and explorative elements as the first game, tasking you to pick up quests from non-player characters or uncover them by exploring the game's open world tropical island setting.
Missions range from story based quests that forward the game's main narrative to survival based side excursions. Side quests provide the most variety, tasking you to do things like defend a fellow survivor from a horde of flesh hungry zombies or collect essential supplies like food and water for your camp.
Looking to keep things interesting, Deep Silver has also integrated role-playing character levelling and loot mechanics to the game. The character levelling system follows the familiar character development formula seen on most RPG titles. Your character levels up whenever they gain enough experience points, which are earned by killing enemies and completing quests. For your effort, every time you level up you're rewarded with one statistical point that can be used to unlock a talent from your character's skill treeThe game has five playable characters, each with their own skill tree and specialisation. For example, newly added character John Morgan is a punching specialist whose skill set focuses on knuckle duster style weapons and survival, while series veteran Xian remains a knife and stealth specialist.
The loot system is fairly similar to those seen on other survival horror titles, likeDead Space 3. The game lets you pick up random items littered across the game's map to create or upgrade already made weapons using workbenches.
Weapons in general are close combat focused as guns don't really make an appearance until far later in Riptide's narrative. Types of weapon include things like hand-to-hand, blade, heavy and blunt. Hand-to-hand weapons are things like knuckle dusters, while blades are knives and swords, heavy are things like baseball bats and boat paddles and blunt are smaller items like hammers and tire irons.
The upgrade system lets you gradually modify the weapons using blueprints and items such as scavenged car batteries, duct tape and super glue to turn a basic kitchen knife into an electrified zombie-carving automatic saw.
The loot and character leveling systems are two of Dead Island: Riptide's most interesting features and go a long way to make up for its lackluster combat and story mechanics.
Combat in Dead Island: Riptide is largely the same as in the original Dead Island, tasking you to punch, pummel and slash your way through increasingly larger hordes of zombies. Each character starts off with basic melee and kick attacks, though special custom attacks can be unlocked using the game's upgrade system.
Each attack you launch uses up some of the character's stamina bar, which when depleted leaves you vulnerable to be knocked over and mobbed by zombies. Melee attacks are your staple attacks and can be activated using the right trigger (on the Xbox 360) and are the primary way you do damage. Kick attacks are more defensive measures, letting you knock zombies back when they get too closeSpecial attacks vary character to character and range from custom sword slashes to rugby style spear tackle takedowns and are activated by using a variety of button combinations.
The problem is that, in general, you can get by just by using the basic melee attack, manically hitting the punch button until every enemy is dead. In fact, at times using the special attacks or trying to get creative with your strategy can backfire. This is because the attacks drain far more stamina than regular melee hits while being only marginally more powerful, meaning that using them more often than not leaves you needlessly vulnerable and open to being mobbed by surviving enemies.
Luckily, the oversimplicity of the combat is counteracted by the enjoyment you can have taking advantage of Riptide's online cooperative features. Riptide lets you drop in and out of players' games or bring them into your own. It does this by alerting you whenever someone playing the same section of the game as you is nearby, offering you the options to join their game with a simple press of the left D-Pad.
Up to four players can join any one game, and in general we found that playing the game with friends greatly improves the Riptide's otherwise dull combat. This is because when playing with friends the game increases the number of enemies hunting you, thus forcing you to take a more considered approach when entering combat.
This is especially true when playing one of Dead Island: Riptide's survivor sections. These are points in the game that task you to defend a specific section of land from increasingly large waves of Zombie opponents. The sections also have a strategic element that tasks you to set up the area's defences before the zombies arrive. This lets you pick where to set up barricades and sentry guns before the horde arrives. When teaming up with three other human players, we found these sections to be the most varied and enjoyable in the game.
The game's narrative is also disappointing. Dead Island: Riptide picks up directly from where the original game left off, seeing the original Dead Island's ragtag group of four survivors meet brooding ex-army bad boy John Morgan and get shipwrecked on a new zombie infested island. Not giving away any spoilers, but the narrative makes a classic Romera movie look like the works of Shakespeare, with the lacklustre dialogue and over the top voice acting making every cutscene painful or at best funny - for the wrong reasons - to sit throughDead Island: Riptide also suffers from a number of technical graphical issues that further ruin any chance of getting immersed in the game's plot. Powered by the Unreal engine, the game in general looks great. The game's jungle textures, bump mapping and light rendering when viewed in less manic sections create a wonderful, Temple of Doom style atmosphere that makes you painfully aware that danger is all around you.
However, this great setting is ruined by frame rate and pop-up issues. Sometimes, when moving through the jungle quickly we found that random objects could inexplicably appear to block your path. Additionally when facing large groups of enemies the game's frame rate could slow to a crawl, chugging at a snails pace to the point that the game became all but unplayable. Luckily though, these incidents only occurred on particularly busy moments and in general the game ran smoothly.
Dead Island Riptide pc 2013 PC Game Trailer:
Dead Island Riptide pc 2013 PC Game installing Information:
Step 1: Run setup.exe
Step 2: Install game and enjoy.
This is Torrent Download file. You must be Insatll µTorrent in your System if you dont already have it.
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Thursday, 4 July 2013 by xvbzvz · 0

Easy Way to Hack WiFi Password
If you are living nearby someones WiFi hotspot and every time your laptop search for connection its showing up but you don't have passwords. Or you just want to steal someones WPA/WPA2 Wi-Fi hotspot key or passwords. Don't worry.
In this tutorial I’ll show How to hack a WPA/WPA2 Wi-Ficonnection through a bootable USB.
2. beini.iso file. [Download it from HERE].
3. UNetbootin software to make your USB drive bootable. [Download for Windows, Linux or Mac]
Some few steps you should to do ( WEP):
1. Write beini.iso on your USB by UNetbootin. Set everything according to this image bellow.
2. After finishing restart your PC and boot it from your USB.
3. If you were successful to boot up then you should see something like this. Click Minidwep-gtk.
3. If you were successful to boot up then you should see something like this. Click Minidwep-gtk.
4. Click OK.
5. Now Minipwep-gtk program will open. Click Scan.
6. Select a wireless network(should have Clint) from the list. And click Lunch to start creaking process.
7. Sometimes its take a while according to your victim connections IVS value and password strength. So keep passions.
8. If it found a password, it should appear like this.
To creak WPA/WPA2 follow this image instruction.
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by xvbzvz · 0
Wednesday, 3 July 2013
Image Credit: Roman Pyshchyk / Shutterstock
[ Watch the Video: Plasma Device Could Revolutionize Energy Generation ]
redOrbit Staff & Wire Reports – Your Universe Online
Scientists at the University of Missouri have devised a new way to create and control plasma that could transform American energy generation and storage.
Randy Curry, professor of electrical and computer engineering at the University of Missouri’s College of Engineering, and his team developed a device that launches a ring of plasma at distances of up to two feet. Although the plasma reaches a temperature hotter than the surface of the sun, it doesn’t emit radiation and is completely safe in proximity to humans.
While most of us are familiar with three states of matter — liquid, gas and solid — there is also a fourth state known as plasma, which includes things such as fire and lightning. Life on Earth depends on the energy emitted by plasma produced during fusion reactions within the sun.
The secret to Curry’s success was developing a way to make plasma form its own self-magnetic field, which holds it together as it travels through the air.
“Launching plasma in open air is the ‘Holy Grail’ in the field of physics,” said Curry.
“Creating plasma in a vacuum tube surrounded by powerful electromagnets is no big deal; dozens of labs can do that. Our innovation allows the plasma to hold itself together while it travels through regular air without any need for containment.”
The plasma device could also be enlarged to handle much larger amounts of energy, he said.
For the current work, Curry and his team used older technologies to build their prototype of a plasma-generating machine. But a considerably smaller device using newer, miniaturized parts could also be built within three to five years with sufficient funding, Curry said.
“We have a world-class team at MU’s Center for Physical & Power Electronics, but that team will evaporate without funding.”
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Wednesday, 3 July 2013 by xvbzvz · 0
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